Tutorial: Managing Portfolios
Note: Specific investments described herein do not represent all investment decisions made by Global Predictions. The reader should not assume that investment decisions identified and discussed were or will be profitable. Specific investment advice references provided herein are for illustrative purposes only and are not necessarily representative of investments that will be made in the future.
We believe that importing and managing your entire portfolio is a crucial first step to getting the most out of the platform. As you add more of your net worth, the value of the analysis, recommendations, and other insights goes up. This tutorial covers how to add net worth components, connect external accounts, add manual portfolios, and view all your accounts together in one place.
Net worth
As part of a comprehensive view of your portfolio, we allow you to import real estate, investment accounts, retirement accounts, private equity, cash, and cryptocurrencies. Navigate to the Net Worth page to manage your various portfolios by clicking "Net Worth" on the top right of the Track page.
To update one of these net worth items, you can simply click on the pencil icon on the right side of the page. If you click the edit icon next to Real estate, you will get a pop-up that looks like this:
Connected accounts
In order to receive the most up-to-date insights about what's happening in your accounts, you can link your institutions through our trusted partners: Plaid, Yodlee, or SnapTrade. We never store your credentials, and intentionally only have read-access to your accounts so that you always stay in control of every investment decision.
Click on "Add account" to add a new connected account, copy/paste your portfolio by adding the securities all at once, or manually add your portfolio one ticker at a time. We typically see users with ~20 securities in a portfolio take about 2min to manually import their account.
Net Worth Portfolio
The "Net Worth portfolio" combines the accounts that you have into a single view so that you can think about your net worth holistically. We believe that analyzing your accounts in an aggregated way lets you properly assess risk, returns, diversity, tail risks, and make improvements that grow your entire net worth rather than treating everything like an individual bucket.
Green dots indicate active connections, while red dots indicate a stale connection, and lack of a dot denotes a manually input portfolio.
Draft portfolios
We have built the Draft Portfolio feature for you to be able to accept recommendations, experiment with different strategies, and improve your portfolio. See the Drafts tab of the "Net worth" page for a collection of all of your draft portfolios, allowing you to edit or delete each one individually. Read more about using Draft Portfolios here.