What’s your chance of a successful retirement? (find out in 3 min)
In a few clicks, our sophisticated algorithms provide your financial projections.
Input Your Personal Details
Enter details like current age, retirement age, life expectancy, etc.
Copy/paste your investments or securely connect to over 12,000 brokerages with bank-level security.
Set Your Monthly Contributions and Budget
What if you retire earlier or save a little bit less? Play with the numbers to find your ideal plan based on the rate of success
Set Your Monthly Contributions and Budget
What if you retire earlier or save a little bit less? Play with the numbers to find your ideal plan based on the rate of success
Visualize Your Financial Future
See your plan in a graphical representation of your financial future, with two key scenarios: Expected and Poor Outcome.
As you adjust contributions, budgets, and risk levels, the tool automatically recalculates your probability of success and updates the model. The plan is saved as part of your PortfolioPilot profile, ensuring that your scenario models remain up-to-date as your financial situation changes.
You Need More Than Savings and Investments
PortfolioPilot’s Scenario Modeling tool provides you strategies to maximize your financial confidence, covering many factors in your financial situation:
All your debts are considered, including student loans, mortgages, credit cards, and more.
Capital Gains Taxes
Don’t worry - the tool considers taxes at both state and federal levels, including itemized deductions, brackets, and more.
Your Income
Easily include your sources of income, like work, Social Security, annuities, pensions, and more.
Real Estate
Purchases, sales, inheritance, and more.
How Would a Crisis Affect Your Planning?
The Downturn Simulator can show you how your financial plan would have been impacted by a market event like the Global Financial Crisis (2008-2010) or the Covid-19 Pandemic (2020).
Minimize Taxes with Drawdown Strategies
PortfolioPilot allows you to balance your withdrawals between taxed and tax-free accounts to minimize taxes, helping to preserve your wealth longer.
Minimize Taxes with Drawdown Strategies
PortfolioPilot allows you to balance your withdrawals between taxed and tax-free accounts to minimize taxes, helping to preserve your wealth longer.
Why Is Our Scenario Modeling Tool Completely Free?
Sounds too good to be true? In reality, our company makes money from our personal AI financial advisor. You can use our fully-featured scenario modeling for free, with no credit card required, and we hope that at some point you’ll try our premium tiers and take advantage of our personalized financial advice as well. It’s a business model that works for us and allows us to offer high-quality tools for free to tens of thousands of users.
“If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail!”
Explore More of PortfolioPilot’s Features
One platform, so much to offer – explore everything we offer to make your financial journey simpler and more effective: