Tutorial: Manual Input
Note: Specific investments described herein do not represent all investment decisions made by Global Predictions. The reader should not assume that investment decisions identified and discussed were or will be profitable. Specific investment advice references provided herein are for illustrative purposes only and are not necessarily representative of investments that will be made in the future.
There are three ways to import accounts to your investment portfolio:
1. Connect your brokerage account
2. Manual Input
In this tutorial, we’ll demonstrate the quick and easy Manual Input, a way to add your whole portfolio manually in less than two minutes.
Navigating to Manual Input
Navigate to the Net Worth page by pressing your name (top right) -> Net Worth.
Then Add Account.
Then Manual Input.
Add individual securities
Add all individual securities for the given portfolio.
You can search by ticker (AAPL) or security name (Apple Inc), and select from our comprehensive library of ETFs, stocks, mutual funds, and cryptocurrencies.
Note: if a ticker in your portfolio does not come up in the dropdown, add it anyway and the system will do an asynchronous search in the backend from a larger database.
If you'd like to add cash directly to the portfolio, edit the "Cash Investable" field.
Finalize portfolio
Press Continue to enter the account details like account nickname, and whether its tax-free or externally managed.
Tax-free is used for accounts like retirement accounts (401Ks, IRAs, RRSPs, etc.)
Externally managed is used for managed funds like Robo-Advisors and accounts managed by wealth managers.
Just like that, your full portfolio is added in less than two minutes! Watch the tutorial on our YouTube channel here.